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"When my son was first diagnosed with dyslexia, I was very nervous about how to proceed with ensuring he remained on track with his education.  I was fearful that he would fall even further behind than he already was.  He was lagging behind his peers.  He was being made fun of for struggling with reading, and even worse, not developing enjoyment from reading the way I have always done.  I was referred to Sarah by a mutual friend, and from our first encounter, I had a new sense of hope about my son's future.  


Sarah helped me see dyslexia through a different lens.  She helped me to not only understand the different layers of this condition, but how important it was to take an entirely different approach to teaching reading and writing.  Through a lot of support, guidance, and encouragement, my son has made huge leaps in his ability to encode, decode and read fluently.  


Sarah has been a pillar of support to not just my son, but to my husband and me as well.  She has made herself readily available to review IEPs and 504 information.  We didn't know we could have both an IEP and a 504 until we met her.  She has attended school meetings with us, and has helped keep me up to date on dyslexia specific laws and recommendations for successful learning.  Because of the ongoing tutoring and support that Sarah has provided to my son, he is not only reading on his grade level, but has regained a sense of self-esteem that he lost  before we identified his dyslexia.  


He now reads with confidence and actually enjoys going to school.  I highly recommend Sarah and all of her learning services to anyone seeking improvement with their child.  Call her.  She can help, no matter what the problem is."

Jill Standley

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